Keeseekoose First Nation

About our Nation

Phone: 306-542-4590

Fax: 306-542-2586


Keeseekoose First Nation is an Indigenous community located 18.3 Kilometers north of Kamsack Saskatchewan. Our band is named after Chief Khiishikouse who adhered to Treaty 4 (1875) in Swan Lake, Manitoba. Flooding of the reserve forced relocation to Saskatchewan where the band resides today.



Important Treaty 4 Agricultural Benefits Claim Release

Important information regarding The Treaty 4 Agricultural Claim (Cows and Ploughs) can be found here: Cows and Ploughs (Click to view folder with related documents)

KeeseeKoose News


Land and Population

Keeseekoose is about 80 km2 in size. With 2700 Band members spread throughout Canada.

Post secondary

Keeseekoose Chief and Council want to be able to provide all the opportunities possible to our band members and that includes funding for post secondary. Student applications and policy information will be available for download on the Post Secondary page.
